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Winter Woods Community Cleanup
April 15, 2023 @ 10:00 am - 2:00 pm
The responsibility of maintaining the islands on Winter Woods Blvd. near the entrance of our neighborhood from 436 has long been a topic of discussion for the HOA Board. Attempts to secure an agreement with the businesses along that road to share the maintenance responsibility have not been successful.
As we work toward a more permanent solution, we are initiating a volunteer Neighborhood Clean-up Group to meet once a month to shape up the entrance. All Winter Woods residents are invited to gather normally on the second Saturday of the month at 10:00 am at the large circle on Winter Woods Blvd near Nottingham Dr. Due to the Easter holiday, it is being moved to April 15th. If you would like to participate, bring your gloves and any portable tool you use in your own garden.
If anyone has any questions or ideas, please contact Anthony Riley – 407 967 6662 and keys137@yahoo.com.
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