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Winter Woods Homeowner’s Association General Meeting
October 10, 2024 @ 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
We are meeting at the South Seminole Church of Christ and on ZOOM. We may also maintain the ZOOM availability if there is a need. The meeting announcement that is emailed will have the detailed information. The neighorhood and the Board would appreciate your input. There are openings on the Board, if you’re interested. Contact Anthony Riley if you are interested or send a message using the “CONTACT US” tab above.
This meeting is open to all residents, owners and renters alike, and we will be conducting the annual election of Board Members.
Casselberry Utilities will be at the meeting to explain the changes that they will be making to the sewage system in the near future. He will be able to answer questions.
We will also be electing the Board of Directors for the coming year.
Should you wish to become a Board Member, you must be willing to commit to attend most of the Association Meetings. There are nine (9) Association Meetings per year.
To express your interest in a position on the Board, come to any one of the Association Meetings and meet the group.
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