10 events found.
Daylight Savings Time ENDS
This is the day when you turn your clocks back one hour!
Fall Neighborhood Garage Sale
The annual Fall Neighborhood Garage Sale will be held on Saturday, November 9th, from 8 AM until 2 PM. All residents of Winter Woods are invited to participate.
Veteran’s Day
Today, we honor our LIVING veterans.
Winter Woods Homeowner’s Association Meeting
South Seminole Church of Christ 5410 Lake Howell Rd, Winter Park, FLWe are meeting at the South Seminole Church of Christ and on ZOOM. We may also maintain the ZOOM availability if there is a need. The meeting announcement that is Read More
“Black Friday”
Today is the day that retailers hope to be able to be in the "black" for the Christmas holidays.
Winter Woods Homeownwer’s Association Meeting
South Seminole Church of Christ 5410 Lake Howell Rd, Winter Park, FLWe are meeting at the South Seminole Church of Christ and on ZOOM. We may also maintain the ZOOM availability if there is a need. The meeting announcement that is Read More